The anticipation of the UPS driver delivering or packages was almost unbearable. When I saw the ups driver pull up to my shop I sprang out of my chair to greet him. The two boxes weighed in at around 70lbs. As we cut open the boxes I felt like a kid at Christmas. The Aeg's where nicer than I expected. My favorite of the AEG's was the Echo1 ZOMBAT STRYKER . The zombat lasted about 5 minutes then one of my employes Clammed it. So of course the first thing we did is charge the 10.6 volt batteries that comes with the gun and took it out back of the shop and shot each other Wow talk about a gun that throw some serious BB's. And the meat cleaver on the front is as real as it gets very sharp spikes,you could definitely tenderize some meat. Very cool AEG. Here is a picture of some of the shipment. Don't forget we will be selling 20 g and 25 g bb's at the game on Saturday.
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